02022 02024舊約新約 Strong's number
02023 roh\   出現經文 影像 地圖 相關查詢
02023 Hor {hore}

02022 的另一型; 專有名詞 山名

AV - Hor 12; 12

何珥 = "山"
1) 山名, 亞倫逝世於此; 在亞拉巴山谷的東端, 是以東地沙岩山區
   的最高點; 其東是古城佩特拉(Petra)之所在
2) 此山作為以色列的子孫要去佔取之地的北界; 位在黎巴嫩境內 ( 民34:7,8
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<神出> 民20:22
<譯詞>何珥12 (12)
1. 近以東,在加低斯之東北,也是祭司亞倫死亡之地, 民20:22,23,25,27 21:4 33:37,38,39,41 申32:50

2. 巴勒斯坦北之山,位地中海與哈瑪口之間,或即利巴嫩山之一峰, 民34:7-8
02023 Hor {hore}

another form of 02022;; n pr loc

AV - Hor 12; 12

Hor = "mountain"
1) the mountain on which Aaron died; situated on the eastern side of
   the valley of Arabah, the highest of the whole range of sandstone
   mountains in Edom; on the eastern side is the ancient city of Petra
2) the mountain named as one of the marks of the northern boundary of
   the land which the children of Israel were about to conquer; located
   in Lebanon