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02011 Hinnom {hin-nome'}

可能源自外來語; 專有名詞 地名

欽定本 - Hinnom 13; 13

欣嫩 = "悲嘆"
1) 耶路撒冷以南的山谷, 猶大與便雅憫的分界線, 以色列人行異教習俗之處
本字典尚在發展中,錯繆缺漏難免,請多多包涵!有意見請聯繫twcbhdic「@」fhl.net 註:<神出>表示TWOT神學辭典編號和此字第一次出處
<神出> 書15:8
<譯詞>欣嫩13 (13)
即欣嫩子谷,近耶路撒冷哈珥西門,是異教徒崇拜的地方,以色列人受周圍文化的影響,在那裡從事可憎的兒童祭祀, 書15:8,8 18:16,16 王下23:10 代下28:3 33:6 耶7:31,32 19:2,6 32:35
02011 Hinnom {hin-nome'}

probably of foreign origin;; n pr loc

AV - Hinnom 13; 13

Hinnom = "lamentation"
1) a valley (deep and narrow ravine) with steep, rocky sides located
   southwest of Jerusalem, separating Mount Zion to the north from the
   hill of evil counsel' and the sloping rocky plateau of the 'plain of
   Rephaim' to the south