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01587 Gᵉmaryah {ge-mar-ya:'} 或 Gᵉmaryahuw {ge-mar-ya:'-hu:}

源自 0158403050; 阳性专有名词 人名

钦定本 - Gemariah 5; 5

基玛利, 基玛利雅 = "耶和华已成就"
1) 一位文士, 是沙番的儿子, 米该亚的父亲,
   犹大国的一位贵族, 他在圣殿中有一间房间, 在那裏,
   巴录对众民宣读耶利米由神领受的警告信息 ( 耶 36:10-12,25 )
2) 希勒家的儿子, 他将耶利米给被掳的犹太人的信带到巴比伦 ( 耶 29:3 )
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<神出> 耶29:3
<译词>基玛利雅4 基玛利1 (5)
1. 沙番的儿子,曾谏阻焚烧书卷的一文士, 耶36:10,11,12,25

2. 希勒家的儿子,犹大王西底家曾打发他和以利亚萨去巴比伦见尼布甲尼撒王, 耶29:3
01587 G@maryah {ghem-ar-yaw'} or G@maryahuw {ghem-ar-yaw'-hoo}

from 01584 and 03050;; n pr m

AV - Gemariah 5; 5

Gemariah = "Jehovah has accomplished"
1) the son of Shaphan the scribe and father of Michaiah; one of the
   nobles of Judah who had a chamber in the temple from which Baruch
   read Jeremiah's alarming prophecy to all the people
2) the son of Hilkiah who bore Jeremiah's letter to the captive Jews